Friday, November 15, 2019

The two poems I have chosen to explain are Piano by D H Lawrence and :: English Literature Essays

Explore how two of the poems you have studied deal with the theme of looking back on a relationship The two poems I have chosen to explain are Piano by D H Lawrence and In Mrs Tilchers Class by Carol Ann Duffy; I have chosen these two poems because they both tell us about the same sort of memory, i.e. of a good time in their childhood. Moving on to the mood of the poems. Both poems are very emotional and although they are both happy memories the emotions vary, for example in 'Piano' the poem is very sad and nostalgic 'till the heart of me weeps' as the poet wishes that he could return to those presumably happier times, on the other hand 'In Mrs Tilchers class' is very childish and as in a dreamy world 'the laugh of a bell swung by a running child' The mood shows the intention of the poems. In 'In Mrs Tilchers Class' this was to recreate the safety warmth and happiness of childhood innocence and how it all changed at the end of primary school 'the inky tadpoles changed from commas into exclamation marks' I believe this symbolizes the change from a child into an adolescent. However in 'Piano' the poem is showing us how the past will always shape us he tells us how we can never go back to the past 'I weep like a child for the past' The structure and the form support the intention of the poems. In 'In Mrs Tilchers Class' the structure is very simple and easy to understand, there is no rhyming scheme, four octets and eight syllables to a line this helps to recreate the idyllic primary classroom by being very simple like the sort of things that a young child would be learning about. However 'Piano' has a very complex structure, in comparison, and although again the syllable count is random the rest is not so, there are three regular quatrains each with rhyming couplets. In particular the poets style shows us how they feel. In 'piano' the poet's style is one that is very emotional to do this, the poet hast used lots of emotive language 'weep' and 'flood of remembrance' also D

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