Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Clubs and Activities in Redlands High School Essays

Clubs and Activities in Redlands High School Essays Clubs and Activities in Redlands High School Essay Clubs and Activities in Redlands High School Essay Essay Topic: High School Clubs and Activities in Redlands High School BY tnshit1786 All courses completed during the 2012-2013 school year: 1 . Biology Honors 2. American Sign Language (ASL) 3. Physical Education (P. E. ) 4. ASB 5. English Honors 6. Geometry Honors Activities Redlands High school has a various amount of clubs, sports and activities. I am in involved in a few clubs and a couple of activities. I am the secretary for the freshmen class ASB, I am in Key Club, and I am also part of the ASL club. These clubs are very important to me and I dedicate my time and hard work to them as much as I can. ASB stands for the Associated Student Body. Students in ASB plan, organize, and participate in such activities as formal and informal dances, Homecoming, Spirit Week, grade-level competitions, community awareness projects, cultural events, and Staff Recognition throughout the year. The students in ASB work to raise school spirit in events held during lunch and during any other events. They are always on top of everything and ahead on every task. I am the secretary and my Job is to keep minutes, which report member attendance of all meetings. I keep general files stocked and make additions to the general files. Informing the presidents and vice- opportunity for me and I enjoy it a lot. Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization whose goal is to teach leadership through helping. Key Club International is a part of the Kiwanis International family of service-leadership programs. A local Kiwanis club sponsors many local Key Clubs. This club includes students who want to dedicate their time to community service and other school activities. We raise money and try to make our club better so we have more opportunities to go out and compete with other schools. We all have fun and work hard at the same time. It is a great use of my time and effort. American Sign Language Club (ASL) is a club where all of the ASL class students get together and go above and beyond what is taught in class. We learn different types of signs and also put up a lot of fundraisers for our club so we can afford to have professional deaf speakers come and meet us. We try to organize fun sport days for the students that involving signing as an educational purpose. We work hard to make our ASL classes go up. Personal Statement I plan on doing a lot throughout high school and reaching all of the goals I have set for myself. During my four years of high school I want to take as many AP and honors lasses as possible and receive good grades in them. I want to earn scholarships so I can get into a nice medical school. School is very important to me and I feel like I must complete as many classes as I can throughout the summer so I can have room for my core classes during the school year. Last year over summer I took a semester of health class. I took that class because I wanted to take P. E, ASL, and ASB in my freshmen year. I did not have room for health and felt like taking it over summer would be a great idea. This year I want to take P. E. both semesters of summer school so I can have room for the classes I really need to take. I always work hard when it comes to school and make sure I pass the class. I will take full advantage of this scholarship and will not let it go to waste at all. My future career goal is set and ready. I have always wanted to be a Pediatrician. Working with babies, kids, and teens is something I know I will enjoy. In order for me to reach my career goal, I have to finish my schooling along with good grades. I need to get accepted to a good college and take all the classes necessary for my Job. I have everything planned and set up and I am glad that AAA Academy is there for the students who need to take extra

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