Saturday, November 23, 2019

Film sequence Essays

Film sequence Essays Film sequence Essay Film sequence Essay Focus on how one or more of the mise-en-scene, performance, cinematography, editing and sound create meaning and generate a response in a film sequence.* The clip must be a complete sequence of no more than 7 minutes in length* If the sequence is a complex one, it may be much shorter than 7 minutes.I have chosen to look at the final 7 minutes of the film saw. I will be looking at the use of sound and mise-en-scene and what affect this has on the audience. I will start from the scene where Lawrence cuts of his foot and I will only be looking at the scenes involving Lawrence and Alex.There arent a lot of non-diegetic sounds used in this sequence but the effect of that is that it makes the sequence appear more realistic to the audience therefore making it scarier. Diegetic sound is used most throughout the sequence and example of the use of diegetic sound is the tape recorder found later in the sequence. At the Beginning of the scene, Alex is screaming and shouting at Lawrence telling h im dont do it, we can sort this out! The tone of Alexs voice scares the audience as he sounds scared which adds to the horror of Lawrence cutting of his foot. We can also hear Lawrences screams of pain, which are slightly muffled from his shirt. The fact that we can still hear his screams loudly shows how much he is screaming making this scene seem realistic to the audience.As the scene progresses, we can see Lawrence getting weaker and one way that we know he is getting weaker is the dramatic change in his voice before and after cutting his foot. We hear him screaming and shouting loudly in the scene before, then once he cuts of his foot, his voice becomes quieter and deeper with gasps in between sentences, this shows that he is really weak and finds it difficult to speak.We get to the point where Lawrence gets the gun and points it at Alex. Alex voice shows his fear of dying and we can also hear the sorrow in Lawrences voice as he says You have to die. This makes the audience feel sorry for both characters and leaves us wondering what will be happening next.Once Lawrence shoots Alex, he breaks down and cries saying there, Ive done it, now show them to me. The sobs in between sentences show his upset. The character Zep enters the room and we can hear the anger in Lawrence voice as he shouts. You can also hear the fact that the gun now has no bullets as Lawrence tries to shoot Zep. We can also hear the anger in Alexs voice as he gets up and hits Zep with part of the toilet. From this we can hear the toilet hitting Zep and we can also here his head smashing from the power of the hit. This leaves the audience shocked as they though Alex was dead and that Lawrence was going to die.Once Lawrence has left the room, we can hear Alex looking through Zeps pockets then he comes across a tape recorder. He plays it and its the same voice that was on their tape recorder shown early in the film. This leaves the audience and Alex confused as the tape tells Zep that he has t o keep them hostage. Know the audience is wondering who is the Jigsaw killer?We can hear Alexs breathing increase which creates fear and increases the tension for the audience. An uneasy music begins to play gradually getting louder and faster which increases the tension for the audience. The man who we as the audience though was dead gets up, as he does, the music increases and so does Alexs breathing. The music helps create shock from this character up rise and puts more fear on Alexs character. The music play is Non Diegetic as we as the audience can hear but Alex cant. the music helps show the atmosphere of the scene, the fact that its uneasy puts the audience on edge and wonder what is about to happen.When the dead man speaks we recognise his voice as the same one as on the tape recorder and Alex and the audience become aware that he is the Jigsaw killer, this shocks the audience that the Jigsaw killer had been there the whole time.There is then a montage that shows different s cenes throughout the film which makes sense of the whole movie. As the montage progresses, the music playing over the top speeds up and so does the length of scene change. This scares the audience but makes them realise the whole film as it runs through the whole lot and we can see how everything is relevant. As the music increases so does the audiences heart rate which increases the fear in this scene.As we get towards the end of the film we hear a voiceover of the Jigsaw killer saying some people are so un grateful to be alive and we see the Jigsaw leave the room and before he slams the door we hear him say game over this scares the audience. As the scene finishes all we see is blackness and we can hear Alexs screams over the credits. This leaves the audience feeling uneasy and asking questions like will Alex survive? What happened to Lawrence? Does the Jigsaw killer ever get caught?There are loads if factors that affect the mise-en-scene. I will be focusing on the set design, the use of make up, the use of props and the use of lighting and looking at the affect this has on the tension in the film.The set design is in a bathroom and its dirty and broken with a dead body in the centre. This makes the area look horrible which adds to the horror iconology. The pipes and chains make it seem like a prison and theyre constricted, this helps create fear with the audience. The fact that theres no windows and one door thats locked gives the feeling of isolation and restriction which leaves the audience feeling uneasy and on edge.There is a good use of make up on Lawrence as there is the blood from his foot which makes it look like hes actually cutting it of. Then also as the scene progresses we see him getting paler and his skin colour turning slightly blue. There is also make up on the dead man as it looks like his head has been smashed even though he is alive.There is minor use of props as there is only simple ones such as a saw, a gun and a tape recorder. The tap e recorder is the only prop that isnt used as a weapon which leaves the audience asking questions as to who the jigsaw killer is once the tape recorder is discovered.The lighting in these scenes is very simple as the bathroom is lit using a blue filter which makes the bathroom seem colder and more depressing. At the end of the sequence, the lights are turned of by Jigsaw and there is a green light behind him witch shows his outline. This makes Jigsaw seem mysterious as we cant see him it also suggests that hes secretive and theres still stuff we dont know. Once the door is shut, there is complete blackness and nothing can be seen, this creates fear with the audience as it plays on the childhood fear of the dark.

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