Friday, November 8, 2019

Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Example

Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Example Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Children’s reading materials when chosen in the light of their needs and interests serves as one of the essential factors in their development in the various phases of growth. Good literature brings the child to contact with great minds and various forms of experiences, increasing his knowledge of human nature and of the expanding world around him. Literature does not only increase the child’s knowledge about life and living but can also become a springboard for creative writing, dramatics, art and music. In order to achieve these desirable changes in the child through literature, it is necessary to know each child-his interests capacities, needs and aspirations. Parents, teachers and librarians share the responsibity of helping him find the right books and provide activities that are related to his interests and needs. Definitions Interest is an expression of an individual’s pattern of reaction or behaviour toward himself, his environment, his associates and the situations him may find himself. Needs has been defined as the desire for what are called or considered necessities. Need is lack of these necessities. Needs are strong motivations that have to be met. Needs have been classified in several ways: physical, mental, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual, aesthetic, economic, and recreational. Other educators and child psychologists classify needs of children which are also basically man’s needs as: need for material security, need for emotional security, need for intellectual security, need to belong, to be a part of a group, need for recreation or diversion, need for aesthetic satisfaction. Need for Material Security The child’s need for material or economic security comes first and begins in his mother’s and father’s arm. It extends gradually to include his regular routine of eating and sleeping and everything that gives him comfort and well-being. The old fairy tales were told by people who didn’t have en

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