Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Could the American Revolution Been Avoided

Could Have the American Revolution Been Avoided? As Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"No gains without pain.† This could not be more of a true statement when speaking of the American Revolution. There are so many factors that are said to have caused it, that its hard to determine what never needed to happen. Because of the French and Indian War, the British were suffering from debt. They needed the find a way out; therefore, new laws and acts were established. If the British would have treated the colonists as friends instead of their instant way out of dept, we could have never seen independence. Another reason that the American Revolution couldn’t have been avoided; because the colonists had already learned to fight, were tired of British†¦show more content†¦Even if the British accepted some ideas of the colonies and were a little more opened minded to the colonists, the war couldn’t have been avoided because the colonies wanted to become independent . They wanted to break away from the king. By this time, their patience was growing thin and the power that the king had was being abused. Lastly, we had two important people who helped the colonies colonize, which was John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. In 1761, John Adams began to think and write and act against British measures that he believed infringed on colonial liberties. Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, although his first draft was amended after consultation with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams and changed by Congress. Jeffersons reference to the commitment of colonists to the crown was struck; also deleted was a part that censured the monarchy for striking slavery upon America. They had two powerful people fighting for the independence for the colonies. In conclusion, this is why I feel as though the American Revolution couldn’t have been avoided. The British were suffering from debt; the colonists had already learned to fig ht; and they had two important and strong leaders. If you push something hard enough, it will fight back. This is what caused the American Revolution. In my opinion, I would say it wasShow MoreRelatedCauses Of The American Revolution1638 Words   |  7 Pages During the period between the French and Indian war and the American Revolution, there were many events that eventually lead to the American Revolution. Most of these events had good intentions but in the end, they ended up causing drama and uneasiness between the colonies and the British. It can be proved that the American revolution could have been avoided. The first major event was the Proclamation of 1763. The law was passed forbidding settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. 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