Thursday, May 14, 2020

critical appreciation - 1066 Words

Critical appreciation of a poem is defined as the critical reading of a poem. The meaning of its words, its rhyme, scheme, the speaker, figures of speech, the references to other works (intertextuality), the style of language, the general writing style of the poet ( if mentioned), the genre, the context, the tone of the speaker and such other elements make up the critical reading or appreciation. It does not mean criticising the poem. A critical appreciation helps in a better understanding of the verse. Meaning- Read the poem more than once to get a clear idea of what the speaker is trying to say. Look up the meanings of difficult or unusual words in a thesaurus. The title of the poem is a key to the general meaning and summary of the†¦show more content†¦There are several genre- satire, mock-epic, ballad, lyric, ode, parody etc. It is the same as critical analysis of a poem, that is, you should explain its meaning and also point out the resources the poet uses in order to create meaning, as follows: 1. sum up the thesis (= subject) and analyze the title (what does it mean?); 2. discuss the point of view (who is the I [the persona] in the poem?); if it is in the third person (he, she or they), identify the narrator; 3. analyze the language (use of words, symbols, contrasts), the tone of voice (sad, joyful, ironic, etc.) and alliterations (if any); discuss the effects created; 4. discuss the poem s formal structure: (A) talk about the genre (sonnet, lyric, elegy, etc.) and the effects produced by any of these on the poem; (B) analyze stanzas, verses, rhyme scheme, etc. 5.discuss the poem s thematic structure (meaning, imagery, etc.); 6. mention any allusions to other poems, poets or even to the Bible (what does the poem evoke?); 7. discuss social and/or cultural context: if the poet refers to world events (such as wars, historical facts, etc.) In this context, â€Å"critical† means paying attention to the elements of construction – rhyme scheme, meter, stanza arrangement, imagery, etc. – that give the poem its balance, beauty, and effectiveness. Writing an â€Å"appreciation† requires a dissection of the way the poet has achieved his/her effects, and should be constructed like any essay –Show MoreRelatedCritical Appreciation Of Sonnet 291297 Words   |  6 PagesIn Shakespeare’s Sonnets, the narrator describes the rollercoaster that is his love life. While the first few poems of what is his love life are very romantic and passionately sexual towards to his love, a man. The narrator’s describes his lover as someone who even in darkness, he can break it and give him a sunny day. We see this specifically in sonnet 29, where the narrator feels down but he is giv en a break once he sees the person he loves. In Sonnet 29, line 1 the narrator tells readers, â€Å"whenRead MoreCritical Appreciation Of William Wordsworth941 Words   |  4 PagesAuthor Background: Born April 7th 1770 in Cockermouth, England, William Wordsworth grew up without his mother after the age of 8, and he grew to love poetry at the Hawkshead Grammar School. 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