Thursday, September 12, 2019

Preparation for Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Preparation for Work - Essay Example We came out with flying colors at the end since each one of us knew beforehand what we needed to do. Teamwork pays and this is absolutely true in the time and age of today. I learned this from experience with the help of my remaining team members that unity and discipline within a team are important aspects which need to be understood right from the onset of instituting a team. Since I understood the complexities involved with the moods and personalities of different team members, we decided right from the start that any grievances with one another could be settled once we are through with out assigned presentation. As a team, we made sure that there would not be any rifts amongst us but we compromised on having minor arguments which would lead us towards creative solutions as per the successful completion of our group presentation. We learned this with the passage of time that working as a team could mean so much more than just working for one another. It could mean that the collective results are more significant than an individual's achievement and that a team knows how to celebrate in a proper and befitting manner - a fact that is not so common when an individual attains success. As for the interpersonal skills, we guaranteed to one another that each of the team member's strengths as well as weaknesses would be analyzed in the light of the successful completion of the task at hand, which indeed was the completion of the group presentation. We appreciated the fact that judgments would not make the rounds of our team and thus we centered our attention on the premise of hard work, commitment, dedication and complete adherence to the rules laid down when the team was formed in the beginning. I am pretty contented to speak for my own self that I have felt a difference in my personality basis after the successful completion of the group presentation. I now feel that my personal development has been helped immensely by being a part of this team. Interacting with the team members and getting to know about each other's interpersonal skills is a definitive plus for me. 2- Verbal Communication I have understood during my graduate study regimes that intercultural communication is essential to understand since it is the form of communication that happens across cultural boundaries and transmits meaningful and unambiguous information. This process of exchanging the same preserves mutual trust and minimizes the element of aggression amongst my fellow colleagues. I have comprehended long and hard that a culture is indeed a shared system comprising of different beliefs, values, expectations, attitudes, norms, symbols, etc and thus it becomes all the more necessary in the present times to get the hang of such elements within the cultural contexts of a particular area, region or territory. I have tried my best to respect the intercultural faith whereby this has meant that this form of communication would indeed be successful with the people who matter within its cultural tenets. Similarly verbal communication is dependent a great deal on the intricacies entailed with the phenomen on of globalization and thus cultural diversity has reduced as a result of the very same. In order to understand oral, verbal and

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