Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Exploring Ethnic Minority Psychology in America Essay -- racism, divers

Reflecting on and changing the face of ethnic minority psychology is very important in today’s society. Race, ethnicity, culture and diversity are pressing societal issues that have existed for several years. Many people face issues everyday with their identity, which is the sense of self being independent of one’s ethnic background; empowering it and then transforming it; whether transforming is for the good or for the bad. People in our society, mainly our youth, have to deal with the pressures of being talked about when it comes down to what race they are, how many freckles they have or their face, how short or tall they are, their size as well as various other things. Interpersonal relationships are considered to have a bidirectional influence as well and can be captured in the saying â€Å"What goes around comes around†. It may not make matters the best, but for that moment, just thinking about the statement makes matters the best at the given time. De mographic changes such as darkening the complexion of America, is forcing psychology to address the needs of growing ethnic minority populations. Reflecting on these issues, dealing with the pressures of facing the different identities and such, different behaviors start to flare up. In this case, it is assumed that superiority humor theory should be used. This theory, having more to do with social groups, social status, social roles, and of course, humor is directed at individuals in positions of power rather than the targeting of the already vulnerable groups. Separating superiority theory from coping or arousal forms is advised. Humor serves as a number of important social functions in interpersonal communication, but it also contradicts remarks saying that there is no ... ...mental health professional, the church may be an important place to go and seek counseling for the issues they may be dealing with at that given time. So who is someone not to be who they are because someone does not like the way they look or the way they talk? It doesn’t matter because you, just like them, are a child of the earth. You do not have to change yourself for anyone because they feel insecure around you. They are not going to admit it but, but everyone goes through it at some time. In conclusion, if one would be willing to have an open mind and accept that the different cultures are united as one in a sense and are here on earth to stay living life would be somewhat peaceful. In spite of the cultural differences we are human and deserve to be treated as such. We had nothing to do with our own creation someone greater was in control.

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