Thursday, June 6, 2019

Islam is the second religion of the book Essay Example for Free

Islam is the second religion of the book EssayIncident completelyy, the term People of the Book bugger offs from the Quran which cites both Judaism and Christianity, religions which came before Islam, as having part of its origins in the prophet of Abraham. In this, we can see a respect for the other religions a respect which is lost on the perception of a vocal minority of Muslims and as a result, a perception that Muslims hate all other religions. This is false and dangerous assumption for both sides.Belief in Islam requires that a convert bank in only angiotensin-converting enzyme graven image, the revelations which he has given to his hatful from his paragons, his messengers and chiefly, the prophet Mohammad whose writings from 610AD until his d corrodeh in 632 AD helped to comprise the Holy book of Quran. It is a central belief and oneness that is seen as the most important That there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet. This is required of all those wishing to consider themselves Muslims and followers of Mohammad and his teachings. There argon an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims with an annual growth rate which exceeds all other religions in the world. Muslims ar imbue all over the world but argon highly concentrated in the Middle East. Pakistan is the most heavily populated country of Muslims and even the States has an estimated seven to ten million Muslims in the country. Muslims believe that the Koran is the literal word of God and was made much(prenominal) by a visitation of the angel Gabriel to the prophet Mohammad. Angels are described in the Koran as messengers with wings. Two or three of four pairs. He adds to Creation as He pleases. This is a central belief as well as the fact that Mohammad, despite his considerableness in the religion of Islam, is non considered a deity of any kind. in make out is Jesus who, despite being highly regarded in the official teachings of the last fourteen centuries, is considered to be only a man and a prophet of Gods, although his greatness is not to exceed that of the prophet Mohammad. God is a central theme of the religion and his is referred to as God, the One and Only God, the eternal, Absolute, He begetteth not, nor is He beget and there is none like unto him. It is also a central theme of Islam the Day of Judgment. Similar to the Christian belief in predestination, many Muslims believe that people are predestined as to whether they will enter heaven or enter hell on the Day of Judgment. That is not to say that an individual does not have the freedom to choose, rather that God, from the beginning of time, knows the destination of every person who ever existed, or who will ever exist. In this fervor, the message of a complete submission to God is central as well as to the belief in Islam.Disbelief and a failure to submit to the will of God are one of the main offenses which, according to the Koran, will result in a person, on the Day of Judgment, going to he ll. The latter is one of the main appeals that individuals have for Islam as in many countries with a high population of Muslims, the vivacious conditions are less than substandard and people live a very tough existence. Lastly, one of the most important and central teachings of Islam is called the Five Pillars of Islam. There are tailfin major aspects of Islam which individuals are strongly encouraged to observe.The first is belief in Mohammad as the prophet of God and that the words of the prophet which are located in the Koran are the literal word of God. The second is requireing in the direction of Mecca, five times a day. The third is the giving of alms or charity to the pathetic and needy. The fourth is fasting during the month of Ramadan in which one must not eat or drink from dusk to dawn. The last is called the Hajj or a pilgrimage during the fourth Islamic month to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. The latter will compel millions of Muslims, sometimes two and thr ee million Muslims at a time, to go to Mecca at the same time in hallow to fulfill their last duty, or pillar of Islam. When asking Mr. Aziz close to the importance of the religion of Islam within his own life, he gave a very passionate and assured response. In the States, there is a great deal of misconception about the religion of Islam and as a Muslim it is my responsibility to live in a means that would help to dispel those myths.Although not in the same light, nor with the same amount of spotlight, it is similar to the experience that the American boxer, Joe Louis had while he was the Boxing heavyweight lead of the world. His manager was careful not to have Joe Louis portrayed in a way that would add to the misconceived stereotypes about African Americans at that time since the last African America boxer, Jack Johnson, had through with(p) the opposite and was shunned by America. When asked if he has found this to help within his own life the conception of others about hi m, his ethnicity and his religion, Mr.Aziz had a intricate response. There will always be people who will not change their opinions about the Middle East or Islam. I cant really help that. However, for three high majorities of people who make the struggle to know me, they have sometimes come out and said that they were wrong about Muslims, or at least about me. There is still a hint of racism within such sentiments. However, it is progress. Mr. Aziz then talked to me about his religion. In Islam, there are five pillars which every Muslim is expected to respect and obey these pillars.In no specific order, these five pillars are to travel to Mecca at least once in your life, to give to charity, to pray five times in the day while facing in the direction of Mecca, to fast during the Holy Months and to believe that there are no gods but Allah and that Mohammad is his messenger. The last is the most important and is what helps to connect the much than than 1. 6 billions Muslims in m ore than a hundred countries in the world, each one to the other. It is very important to all Muslims.I have not yet gone to Mecca but I hope to by the exterminate of the decade. I have not always been faithful in the completion of the other four on a daily basis as most people of faith experience a lapse in their faith and devotion. That has happened before. However, I am quick to connect the dots and to separate myself from whatever vehicle is function as an impediment to my faith. Fasting is also important. During the Holy month of Ramadan, there is to be no eating during sunlight. This is one of the most difficult of the five pillars.The contend to fast is that it will help to bring the believer closer to God through the realization that God is the supplier of everything and that nothing can be done apart from him. We eat his food and breathe his air. We use his sunlight and are stewards of his world. In similarity with God, man is so small and weak. Sometimes people close up that. Fasting helps to remind them. Mr. Aziz also prays five times a day as well as gives to charity. I wake up at 5am and pray then as well as at 8am, noon, four pm and before I go to bed at 9pm.Since I was raised to do this and to adhere to the five pillars, this has become a habit of mine and is not really difficult. I remember as a child, I rebelled a great deal towards this especially since I wanted to stay in bed. It was not until two consecutive years, did I feel its difficulty ease and I began to have intercourse it. It is also important to give to charity. This does not solely mean money. There are many people in the world who are very poor and do not have the money to give. To give to charity, or to give alms, means also to be helpful to ones neighbor.Whether it is shoveling the snow from an sr. neighbors driveway or simply just informing a person at the grocery store that they dropped their purse these all are examples of charity. Mr. Aziz also speaks to the impo rtance that his religion has towards his community. Even though here in America, there is an estimated three to seven million Muslims, there are very fewer where I live and no places of devotion. One of the reasons for the latter I believe is caused by the beliefs that the people in the surrounding towns have about Muslims and that we are all terrorists.Therefore, there have been many attempts, to diffuse any building plans for a mosque. How do you feel about that? It is discouraging to me but me and fellow Muslims meet in peoples homes in order to worship and pray. It is similar to the 1st century Christians who were barred from worshiping by the Roman authorities or the Jews who during WWII were not allowed to worship either. We are not under the same level of persecution but as these other two groups. However, it still requires some planning. It is my family and friends which help to lay a prat of faith within my life.There are few Muslims in the surrounding areas. Therefore , the friends that I do have and which commit Islam as well as my family, for more than one reason, provide a structure and foundation for me. This is very important. America does not have the same problem with their Muslim population in comparison to the troubles in Europe because we have assimilated. This is important to a degree. We do not want to become completely Americanized but in the process, love American sports and the traditions that come with this country. So we are then relegated to worship nearly in private. It is one of the prices to pay for being a Muslim in America. However, since the majority of American Muslims are doing well in America and enjoy this land, we are content to pay some of that price. We are Muslims first however and Americans second. Just as Christians have as a major aspect of their identity in which it cannot be separated from who they are, the same can be said about Muslims. The societal restrictions towards Muslims in America have eased up. H owever, as a Muslim in America, I still feel as though I am a noncitizen in a country that I immigrated to legally over twenty years ago.America has still given me more opportunities than my homeland. I just olfactory modality forward to the day when I can be truly being considered an America. If I do not live to see that day, I will be sad but I will remain happy that I have had such a rewarding and blessed life while living in America. Mr. Aziz still continues to work and to support his family. When asked about the faith of his two daughters, Mr. Aziz comments They are eight and ten years old so they are young, but not in addition young to understand some of the world around them. I hope that I can keep them from experiencing instances of racism or prejudice.I do not however, that the worst that they receive in America, is still better than what they could have hoped for in Pakistan. That is why I am hesitant to complain too loudly. I am still able to raise my children, along with my wife, in the ways that we choose. This is a great freedom that America has its religious freedom. I latterly watched a documentary on Thomas Jefferson and learned that he was instrumental in creating a foundation of religious freedom that is present in America. This happened more than two hundred years ago.Yet, I am a recipient of such actions even today. It is very amazing to me and I am very appreciative. I am proud to be an American. However, I am also proud to be a Muslim. It seems that in the past few years, especially since 9/11, such sentiments have been seen as an oxymoron. I believe that they are one in the same as America promises religious freedom to all who will practice their religion of choice without breaking the law. This is the great gift that Americas forefathers and all who help to preserve such efforts, to contemporary Americans and all who will follow.It is the effort of every Muslim, not to be swayed by the fleeting morals of a society but to hold fir m to the faith and teachings of Islam. This is what I am attempting to do. I have not always been successful and have travel away from my faith from time to time. It is important, just like with anything in life, that once somebody has fallen short of their personal expectations, to get right back up and to try again. Religious faith is an ongoing process and does not stop while one is alive. This is my hope and prayer for me and all others who feel that the law can only go so far and that a personal relationship with God is rife in a persons life.WORKS CITED Armstrong, Karen Islam A Short History New York Random History 2006 Burns, Ken Thomas Jefferson New York Steeplechase phosphate buffer solution Films 1997 Miller, James Religions of the World. New York WW Norton 1987 The Holy Quran (2002) New York Oxford University Press An Interview with Mr. Aziz. Recorded with his permission on November 1, 2007 and Transcribed on November 4, 2007.

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