Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Final proof for doc sum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final proof for doc sum - Essay Exampleexpress Gods essential nature.1 This doctrinal summary is a brief overview of the doctrine of the Trinity Gods nature, perfections, and attributes and, Gods Decree.The doctrine of the Trinity can be described as, God existing in one essence, with three persons or members of the same substance. At the same time, there is no division of the substance each member is identical in divinity fudge and substance. The Triune God of the Bible exists in one essence with three distinct members of the Godhead Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each member of the Godhead is the same in substance however, throughout dispensational periods of the Bible, specific distinctions of members of the Godhead were seen to accomplish Gods will.Christian doctrine of the Trinity did not emerge from the philosophical speculation almost God.2 Simple logic and reasoning play no role in the Trinity doctrine. Scriptures in the Bible teach the Trinity implicitly. This summary will turn out a brief overview of monotheistic elements in Trinitarian belief. Furthermore, Scriptures referring to the three members of the Godhead, as well as their individual distinctions will be discussed.Monotheism or unity is the foundation of the threesome doctrine. Deuteronomy 64, Hear, O Israel The LORD our God, the LORD is one known as the shema thereby rules out any belief in polytheism, because during this time many worshiped duple so called Gods. However, in the New Testament, we see evidence of the three members implicitly in Scripture (1 Peter 12), who have chosen according to the predestination of the Father, through the Sanctifying work of the Spirit, for the obedience to Jesus Christ and the sprinkling by his blood.3 This particular Scripture shows the three members of the Godhead. The Trinity is a perfect union, with ease of authority and love without imperfections. We will now investigate some of Gods attributes/ perfections.Understanding the basic concept of the Trinity

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