Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Project Management for Accountability and Ethics-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theProject Management for Accountability and Ethics. Answer: Reflection: The below mentioned report is a reflective study of the skills that are involved in a good leader and what are his/her responsibilities to achieve target driven with cost effectiveness. Moreover it also include how a leader is developed and what motivates them to be so. In addition to this, it also include the best approaches and models applied by those famous leaders. Albert Einstein stated that everything must be made in a very simple way but it should not be simpler. However, it all depends on the thinking capacity of an individual that think that the leaders and made to lead and followers are made to follow and that came into the mind because of the relationship between the leadership, management and followers (Kruse, 2013). Leaders are the people who leads or commands and directs a group of people especially works as a head in an organization. They are the one who inspires others and motivate them to achieve a desired goals or objectives. They influence others and make something extraordinary happen (Galbraith, 2015). As per my opinion, Bill gates is one of the admiring leader in 21st century. William Bill Gates is co-founder and chairman of Microsoft Corporation. He was born on 28th October, 1955. He is considered to be one of the top most admirer and leader in todays generation. He is also ranked as one of the richest person in America. The contribution and innovativeness of Bill gates has turned out to be one of the best example today. He dropped out from his university in order to start his own company which has been successfully introduced and established and well known to everyone (Boggs, 2011). He was retired from company in 2008 but he created a demanding and abrasive boss legacy after his retirement. He was able to achieve huge number of recognition and awards for the skills he had. All the engineers and designers who used to visit him daily used to say that he often manage to face the challenges so well and he has always been able to set an example for others. The leadership qualities of Bill Gates are focused, passionate, clear vision and mission, continuous learner and risk bearer (Covey, 2013). In addition to this, Bill Gates followed authoritarian leadership style. He stated that he was liable to take the charge of every activities that are involved in an organization and others must be aware of it. Other employees and subordinates working in an organization must know about the authorities that were assigned to them. Later, he knew that this style of leadership was slowly not able to work well because this style never gave an opportunity to innovative skills. This style always created an obstacle in creativity. It was stated that in those days, Bill Gates required so much control which forced him to sign off all the expenses as well (Gates, 2013). But despite of this, he was also able to follow other leadership style as well. Later, he decided to follow transactional leadership style. Transactional leadership style is also commonly known as managerial leadership. It basically aims on the idea and concept of a transaction that take place between a leader and his team members. He is a transactional leader who tends to motivate others and develop positive changes among his followers. He keeps on doing his work with full dedication and stand with a sound organization vision. The subordinates follows him and tends to perform task at their best. Likewise, Bill Gates also focuses on reward-punishment strategy. This strategy state that every employees in the organization must be rewarded and motivated if he/she performs a good job and on the contrary, every employees must be punished if he/she fails to do the assigned task (Nonaka Takeuchi, 2011). Major criticism Microsoft was working well but despite of celebrating success, it is more important to heed the lessons to be learnt from failures. There were many people who were not happy with the success of Bill Gates and they were trying to pull down the efforts but he was continuously stuck to his dedication and proved himself. He was aligned with the commitment The stronger you stand the bolder you get the faster these negatives wither. It was later found that IBM made a contract for Operating system which will combine IBM clone PCs. But Bill Gates continued to work and was focused on creating and developing windows. There were lots of hinders and obstacles that hampered the company but he managed to cover all those issues very well (Manes Andrews, 1993). Bill Gates said Whether its Google or Apple or free software, weve got some fantastic Competitors and it keeps us on our toes. It was always a motivation for him to compete with his competitors like Google and Apple despite of lowering down oneself. He became more focused towards building more range of products and earning more satisfied customers. He did not only focused on enhancing the knowledge but also focused on making people understand the needs of windows (Northouse, 2017). Similarly, Bill Gates also stated Google kicked our butts. Google was launched in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. At the same time, Gates also introduced an innovative search in 1998 known as MSN search. Google, being a well-known company is fast and focused on accurate results. The search engine of Google stood out to be one of best thing in those days. Later Nick Scheidies wrote in Income Diary, MSN Search was none-of-the-above. Even after this, Gates did not bothered about creating a better search engine. He continued using the existing search engine but did not made any efforts in creating new search engine that could compete Google. Despite of having all the necessary resources, Gates did not find focusing on search engines and he let that opportunity slip from his hand which could make Microsoft stand in the top today (Shah Mulla, 2013). Who motivated Bill Gates? There is always someone who stands by your side and motivates you to perform a certain task and achieve success. Similarly, bill gates was also inspired and motivated by Roberts and his childhood friend Paul Allen. Bill gates met Paul who was his senior and they became best friends. They has common interest in computers though they were not similar by nature. Paul was introvert and Bill was extrovert. They always used to spend time working on computer programs. They also used to argue over computer programs and claimed who was right and who was wrong. Bill gates later introduced payroll program with the help of Paul (Brown Duguid, 2017). Likewise, in 1970, they both panned to start a business by creating a program called Traf-o-Data. It is a computer program which aims at controlling and monitoring traffic patterns that are involved in satellite. It costed them $20,000. Then they started to introduce their own company but Bill parents wished to complete his studies first instead of getting involved in any business. They also wished Gates to become a lawyer. When it comes to me, I have also faced this problem in my real life when parents and child have two different opinion about ones career. M y parents also wanted me to become a doctor which I totally disagreed with because I had no interest. Anyways, later, Bill and Paul moved to different city and worked separately. But they both were able to create an opportunity in the field of computer so well. Paul inspired Bill to work for computer programs in his early childhood. Then, later they both met Ed Roberts who asked both of them to write about software program for his company. They both gave a test together and they worked as per the instruction. Later, they both were hired and soon they were able to find Microsoft together (Pandey, 2017). In 1983, Paul suffered from cancer and resigned from the company but he always made a footprint on Bills entire life. Leadership style followed by Bill Gates Bill Gates has ranked himself by creating a direction for other employees in a company. He always had a specific vision in his mind which helped him to move in particular direction and achieve success. He had a vision A computer on every desk and in every home. For it, he started working hard those times when personal computers were rare in use. He always had a belief that he can do something very good and was always committed towards his goal. This proved him to be a transformational leader. He always had faith on his values that were created by him and that pushed him to achieve the committed goal. He has proved himself to be business icon and everyones desire to win such position. He has successfully made a remarkable vision in todays generation which made him a different leader from all the other leaders. He not only wanted to make such company which will impact the world rather than he focused on driving the bus which he did (Gilliard, 2017). Bill Gates is also directive in nature because he always expect his subordinate to get what he wants. He always focused that his main role in the company is to achieve the companys vision at any cost. He never wanted to get things done in private because he had a belief that if things are done in private, it can never be resolved. Every activities must be done in open so that one must know about the changes that take place in the market (Al-Asfour Lettau, 2014). He is also participative and consultative in nature. He refuses to seek advises form others and makes his own advices. He also used to respond to all the emails of the employees within 24 hours and get their queries resolved at time. Gates also participated in Think Week which gave Gates an opportunity to read all the 100 documents written by his employees about the issues of the company (Gera, 2015). This made him to earn trust and build healthy relationships with his employees. He always used to care about his employees and took their advices. The employees working in his organization are always free to express their ideas and advices which were heard by Bill (Bel, 2010). As a result, it can be concluded that some people are predisposed from their childhood from the very early stage so that they can either stand as a leader. This is just a way how a person would be attracted in a very natural way either by being a leader. Bill Gates was also inspired and motivated by Paul and Robert which made him become a successful leader today. Moreover, a leader can be any person who motivates other people and the title may not be match according the particular management position. References Al-Asfour, A. Lettau, L. (2014). Strategies for leadership styles for multi-generational workforce. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 11(2), p.58. Bel, R. (2010). Leadership and innovation: Learning from the best. Global business and organizational excellence, 29(2), 47-60. Boggs, G. R. (2011). The American community college: From access to success. About Campus, 16(2), 2-10. Brown, J. S., Duguid, P. (2017). The Social Life of Information: Updated, with a New Preface. Harvard Business Review Press. Covey, S. R. (2013). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change. Simon and Schuster. Galbraith, J. K. (2015). The new industrial state. Princeton University Press. Gates, B. (2013). Bill Gates: My plan to fix the worlds biggest problems. The Wall Street Journal. Gera, D. (2015). Bill gates leadership style. Retrieved from: https://www.slideshare.net/Dinesh_gera/bill-gates-leadership-style Gilliard, M. (2017). Bill Gates Leadership Style. Retrieved from: https://leadership-and-development.com/bill-gates-leadership-style/ Kruse, K. (2013). What is leadership. Forbes Magazine, 3. Manes, S., Andrews, P. (1993). Gates: How Microsoft's mogul reinvented an industry-and made himself the richest man in America. Simon Schuster. Nonaka, I. Takeuchi, H. (2011). The wise leader. Harvard business review, 89(5), pp.58-67. Northouse, P.G. (2017). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Sage Publications. Pandey, B. (2017). Leadership Style of Bill Gates. Retrieved from: https://www.scribd.com/doc/134042780/Leadership-Style-of-Bill-Gates Shah, T. Mulla, Z.R. (2013). Leader motives, impression management, and charisma: A comparison of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Management and Labor Studies, 38(3), pp.155-184.

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