Friday, August 16, 2019

Two Love Stories

My audience for this essay is the young students at Enterprise State Community College, who enjoy a good love story about young love. I hope my essay will tell the key points of the similarities and differences of two major love stories that became movies in the end of the twentieth century, and open their eyes to what makes a love story. That is not just the good times, but the hard problems that come with life. Life is easier having someone to deal with the hard problems beside you.Both these movies tell the difficulties of real love and I hope my essay will attract my audiences hearts. Outline Thesis: The Notebook and A Walk to remember are both amazing love stories written by Nicholas Sparks that hit the big screen in the end of the twentieth century. These movies have a lot of similarities and differences, such as the relationship between the two couples, the time period they take place, and the age group of the couple. I. The first way that the notebook and a walk to remember a re similar and different is by the relationship of the two couples. A.In the Notebook The young couple had an up and down rough romance that lasted a lifetime, ending in death in each others arms. B. In A Walk to Remember the young couple had a short relationship that felt like a lifetime but ended early in the death of Jamie. C. The similarities between the two couples in the movies is that both couples are young and in love, dealing with life issues. II. The second way these movies are similar and differ, is by their society standards of their families and their time period. A. Both couples in the movies have to deal with an acceptance in each others families due to social standards.B. The Notebook takes place in the mid sixties during the time of war. C. A walk to Remember takes place at the end of the eighties beginning of the nineties. III. The third way that A Walk to Remember and The Notebook similiars is by the feelings of the love in young couples hearts, but they differ by where the couples stand in life. A. In A Walk to Remember the couple is still in high school facing teenage dilemas and bullies. B In The Notebook the couple is out of high school facing life changing choices. C. In both movies the couples are coming to age and planning what might become of their futures.Two love stories â€Å"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being â€Å"in love† which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident†- St. Augustine.The Note book and A Walk To Remember are both a mazing love stories written by Nicholas Sparks, that hit the big screen at the end of the 20th century. These movies have a lot of similarities and differences such as the romance between the two couples, the time periods the love stories take place in, and the age group of the couples. The first way that The Notebook and A Walk To Remember similar and differs is by the relationship between the two couples. In The Notebook Allie and Noel had an up and down rollercoaster of a relationship that ended up lasting a life time, and ending in their death at the same time in each other arms.In A Walk To Remember Jamie and Landon got together, fell in love and then where only together for a short period of time that felt like an eternity to them. Their relationship ended in the death of Jamie when she was only eighteen. The similarities between the two couples is that in both movies the couples are young, in love, and dealing with life challenging issues. Such as Allie developed Alzheimerâ⠂¬â„¢s and Noel stayed by her side until their last moment on earth, and Jamie has cancer that ended up killing her. These reasons make the relationships of the two couples intertwine and vary in there own unique way.The second way these movies similar and differ is by their society standers of their families and the genre in which they take place. When I say they are similar I mean by the fact that in both movies the girls come from a more moral family, and the boys come from a more laid back type of living style. In both cases the girls’ parents disapprove of their daughter’s decision of their romances. In The Notebook Allie’s parents are higher class, and believe that Noel is not good enough for their daughter because of his low wage lumber job and his unplanned future .In A Walk To Remember Jamie is a preachers daughter whose father believes she should spend her last moments on earth in god’s name instead of spending her time with Landon who is a slac ker and likes to spend his time partying. These movies differ by the genre that they take place during. The Notebook takes place in the 60’s during the time of war. While, A Walk To Remember takes place in the early 90’s at the end of the millennium. These movies both hit the concept of young lovers coping with the decisions of betraying their families and their lovers.The third way that A Walk to Remember and The Notebook similar is by the feelings of true love in the hearts of the young couples, but they differ by where the couples stand in life. In A Walk to Remember the couple is still in high school facing teenage dilemmas and high school bullies, such as Landon’s own friends. In The Notebook the couple is out of high school and trying to figure out what they are going to do to carry out their life together or separate.. For instance Allie is off to a university to receive a degree, while Noel is off to the army to fight for the freedom of America.In both m ovies the couples are coming to age and dealing with what might come of their futures. In both relationship there are many up and downs that they have to work out to make their relationships work, dealing with heart braking issues that tested their faith in love. In The Notebook they didn’t agree on much in fact, they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and they challenged each other every day, but in spite of their differences they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other.Both of theses movie were about ever lasting love, although they had a lot of differences, such as the distance of the two couples, the time period, and where the couples stood in life, they focused on the same concepts. In both movies the girls had life threatening diseases, different social classes, and both couples were coming of age. Search for love, for it is the most important ingredient of life. Without it, you life will echo emptiness. With it, your life wi ll vibrate with warmth and meaning. Even during any hardship, love will shine through. -Nikita Koloff. No matter the hardship between both couples they both made the love work.

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