Friday, May 31, 2019

The Character of Rita in Educating Rita Essay -- Educating Rita Charac

The Character of Rita in Educating RitaIn the play of Educating Rita, which is written by Willy Russell,there is a student aged twenty-six years old who is a hairdresser and too is a working class called Rita. Rita lives with her husbandcalled Denny however Rita and Denny love each other so very much.Denny wants Rita to have a itch but Rita is on a pill to stop fromhaving a baby, but Denny does non know about it, but then finds outlater in the play. Rita wants to explore herself and learn, that iswhy she goes to University to find a tutor to help her learn.Willy Russell faced some problems when trying to state the play.He had to introduce 2 main characters, Rita and Frank. He introducedRita as being really active and ambitious. It shows clearly when Ritaenters Franks dwell by saying Im comin in, arent I? Its thatstupid bleedin handle on the door? this clearly shows the earshotthat Rita can be pushy and also bossy. I think that this gives theaudience some thought of what Rita mig ht be desire in the rest of theplay.Willy Russell also introduced Frank, his second main character. Frankis a teacher at a University and also a lecturer. In the first sceneWilly Russell introduced to the audience that frank is not open andnever gets something done when he wants it to be done on mostoccasions and it shows that he can be lazy. It shows clearly when Ritastruggles to come into Franks room because the door handle is stuckand she cannot get in, but then pushes harder and she finally gets in.Rita says, You wanna get it fixed to frank but then Frank startlesa bit and answers, yes, I suppose I always mean to This proves tothe audience that franks is always stuck in his roo... ...dooroutside Franks room. When Frank opens the door he is surprised atwhat Rita is doing and he did not expect it to be done.In conclusion I think Willy Russell made an effective way of startingthe play because he had problems while trying to introduce the play,but for all the problems he had devic es to support him and back up hisideas and also help him make his play. Willy Russell introduced thecharacters Rita and Frank by showing the audience what they are likeand what they will be throughout the play. Willy Russell introducedthe themes to the audience in an effective way too, he showed theaudience that Rita wants Education and choices and that Frank wantsrelationship. Willy Russell makes the first scene dramatic and socialise to the audience, which makes them stay to the very endand I also think that he made a good start to the play.

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